v0.3, last changed 16.12.2001
Programming docs for the Silversurfer serial port (specific to when used with
the Retro Replay freezer cartridge for the C-64) (w)2001 Groepaz/Hitmen
The Retro Replay has an accessory connector that can carry Amiga 1200 hardware.
I tend to call this connector the "Silversurfer port", as it will not be able
to carry bigger expansions of the 1200. The connector uses the spare_CS signal,
not the RTC_CS signal. This lets you use add-ons like the Silversurfer to add a
serial port to the C-64.
The 16 registers of the clock-port are apped to $de02-$de0f (lower two
registers not available!). The IRQ of that port is connected to the NMI line
of the 6510 processor. The two missing bytes of the Spare_CS space in non-REU
compatible mode will be no problem, because the Silversurfer is mirrored over
that area twice.
To use the Silversurfer, just write $01 to $de01 to activate the accessory
connector and use $de08-$de0f for the eight registers of the 16c550 UART.
Do _NOT_ use the registers shadowed at $de02-$de07, these may no more work in
future versions of the Silversurfer and the Retroreplay hardware.
Also to preserve C128 compatibility, the cpu should always be set to 1MHz mode
when the Silversurfer is accessed.
16c550 UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Overview
Port-Address Access Description
N/A de08 (r/w) RXD/TXD Transmit/Receive Buffer
(r/w) DLL if bit 7 of LCR is set: Baud Rate Divisor LSB
N/A de09 (r/w) IER - Interrupt Enable Register
(r/w) DLM if bit 7 of LCR is set: Baud Rate Divisor MSB
(de02) & de0a (r) IIR - Interrupt Identification Register
(w) FCR - FIFO Control Register
(de03) & de0b (r/w) LCR - Line Control Register
(de04) & de0c (r/w) MCR - Modem Control Register
(de05) & de0d (r) LSR - Line Status Register
(de06) & de0e (r) MSR - Modem Status Register
(de07) & de0f (r/w) Scratch Pad Register
16c550 UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Detailed Description
if bit 7 of LCR is 1 :
$de08 - (r/w) DLL - Baud Rate Divisor LSB
$de09 - (r/w) DLM - Baud Rate Divisor MSB
- Baud rate divisors can be calculated by taking the oscillating
frequency (7,372,800) and dividing by the quantity of the desired
baud rate times the UART clocking factor (16). Use the following
divisor = 7372800 / (BaudRate * 16);
- it is not recommended to use zero as divisor.
Baud Rate Divisor Baud Rate Divisor
1 4800 96 $0060
15 9600 48 $0030
75 19200 24 $0018
50 9216 38400 12 $000c
150 3072 57600 8 $0008
300 1536 115200 4 $0004
600 768 153600 3 $0003
1200 384 230400 2 $0002
1800 256 $0100 460800 1 $0001
2400 192 $00c0
note: baudrates higher 230k are unknown to work on the retroreplay
hardware. (most pc's wont do more than 115k anyway ;=P)
if bit 7 of LCR is 0 :
$de08 - (r/w) RXD/TXD - Receive/Transmit Buffer
$de09 - (r/w) IER - Interrupt Enable Register
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+---- 1 = enable data available interrupt (and 16550 Timeout)
+------ 1 = enable Transmit Holding Register empty (THRE) interrupt
+-------- 1 = enable Reviever lines status interrupt
+---------- 1 = enable modem-status-change interrupt
+------------------ reserved (zero)
- 16550 will interrupt if data exists in the FIFO and isn't read
within the time it takes to receive four bytes or if no data is
received within the time it takes to receive four bytes.
$de0a - (r) IIR - Interrupt Identification Register
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+---- 1 = no int. pending, 0=int. pending
+-------- Interrupt ID bits (see below)
+---------- 16550 1 = timeout int. pending, 0 for 8250/16450
+-------------- reserved (zero)
+------------------ 16550 set to 1 if FIFO queues are enabled
Interrupt ID Bits
21 Meaning Priority To reset
00 modem-status-change lowest read MSR
01 transmit-register-empty low read IIR / write THR
10 data-available high read rec buffer reg
11 line-status highest read LSR
- interrupt pending flag uses reverse logic, 0 = pending, 1 = none
- interrupt will occur if any of the line status bits are set
- THRE bit is set when THRE register is emptied into the TSR
$de0a - (w) FCR - FIFO Control Register
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+---- 1 = enable FIFO and clear XMIT and RCVR FIFO queues
+------ 1 = clear RCVR FIFO
+-------- 1 = clear XMIT FIFO
+---------- 1 = change RXRDY & TXRDY pins from mode 0 to mode 1 (DMA Mode select)
+-------------- reserved (zero)
+------------------ trigger level for RCVR FIFO interrupt
76 Trigger Level
00 1 byte
01 4 bytes
10 8 bytes
11 14 bytes
- Bit 0 must be set in order to write to any other FCR bits
- Bit 1 when set to 1 the RCVR FIFO is cleared and this bit is reset.
The receiver shift register is not cleared.
- Bit 2 when set to 1 the XMIT FIFO is cleared and this bit is reset.
The transmit shift register is not cleared.
$de0b - (r/w) LCR - Line Control Register
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+------ word length select bits (see below)
+-------- 0 = 1 stop bit, 1 = 1.5 or 2 (see note)
+---------- 0 = no parity, 1 = parity (PEN)
+------------ 0 = odd parity, 1 = even (EPS)
+-------------- 0 = parity disabled, 1 = enabled
+---------------- 0 = turn break off, 1 = force spacing break state
+------------------ 1 = baud rate divisor latch (DLAB); 0 = RBR, THR or IER
10 Word length bits
00 = 5 bits per character
01 = 6 bits per character
10 = 7 bits per character
11 = 8 bits per character
- stop bits = 1.5 for 5 bit words or 2 for 6, 7 or 8 bit words
- bit 7 changes the mode of registers $de08 and $de09 If set these
registers become the LSB and MSB of the baud rate divisor.
Otherwise $de08 is the Transmit/Receive Buffer Register and $de09 is
the Interrupt Enable Register.
$de0c - (r/w) MCR - Modem Control Register
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+---- 1 = activate DTR
+------ 1 = activate RTS
+-------- OUT1
+---------- OUT2
+------------ 0 = normal, 1 = loop back test
+------------------ reserved (zero)
- If bit 4 is set, data from the Transmit Shift Register is received
in the Receiver Shift Register. The SOUT line is set to logic
high, the SIN line and control lines are disconnected. CTS, DSR,
RI and CD inputs are disconnected. DTR, RTS, OUT1 and OUT2 are
then connected internally.
$de0d - (r) LSR - Line Status Register
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+---- 1 = data ready
+------ 1 = overrun error (OE)
+-------- 1 = parity error (PE)
+---------- 1 = framing error (FE)
+------------ 1 = break interrupt (BI)
+-------------- 1 = transmitter holding register empty (THRE)
+---------------- 1 = transmitter shift register empty (TSRE)
+------------------ 1 = 16550 PE/FE/Break in FIFO queue, 0 for 8250 & 16450
- Bit 0 is set when a byte is placed in the Receiver Buffer Register
and cleared when the byte is read by the CPU (or when the CPU
clears the FIFO for the 16550). Results in Receive Data Available
Interrupts if enabled.
- Bits 1-4 indicate errors and result in Line Status Interrupts
if enabled.
- Bit 1 is set when a second byte is received before the byte
in the Receiver Buffer Register is read by the CPU (the 16550 in
FIFO mode sets this bit when the queue is full and the byte in the
Receiver Shift Register hasn't been moved into the queue). This
bit is reset when the CPU reads the LSR
- Bit 2 is set whenever a byte is received that doesn't match the
requested parity. Reset upon reading the LSR. (The 16550 maintains
parity information with each byte and sets bit 2 only when the byte
is at the top of the FIFO queue.)
- Bit 3 is set when a character is received without proper stop
bits. Upon detecting a framing error the UART attempts to
resynchronize. Reset by reading the LSR. (The 16550 maintains
this information with each byte and sets bit 3 only when the byte
is at the top of the FIFO queue.)
- Bit 4 is set when a break condition is sensed (when space is
detected for longer than 1 fullword). A zero byte is placed in
the Receiver Buffer Register (or 16550 FIFO). Reset by reading
the LSR. (The 16550 maintains this information with each byte and
sets bit 4 only when the byte is at the top of the FIFO queue.)
- Bit 5 is set when the Transmit Holding Register shifts a byte
into the Transmit Shift Register (or XMIT FIFO queue is empty for
16550) and is cleared when a byte is written to the THR (or the
XMIT FIFO). Results in Transmit Holding Register Empty interrupts
if enabled.
- Bit 6 is set when both the Transmitter Holding Register and the
Transmitter Shift Register are empty. On the 16550, when the XMIT
FIFO and Transmitter Shift Register are empty.
- Bit 7 is 16550 specific and indicates there is a byte in the FIFO
queue that was received with a Parity, Framing or Break error.
$de0e - (r) MSR - Modem Status Register
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
+---- 1 = DCTS (Delta CTS) (CTS changed)
+------ 1 = DDSR (Delta DSR) (DSR changed)
+-------- 1 = TERI (ring indicator changed)
+---------- 1 = DDCD (Delta Data Carrier Detect) (DCD changed)
+------------ 1 = CTS (clear to send)
+-------------- 1 = DSR (data set ready)
+---------------- 1 = RI (ring indicator )
+------------------ 1 = DCD (data carrier detect)
- Bits 0-3 are reset when the CPU reads the MSR
- Bit 4 is the Modem Control Register RTS during loopback test
- Bit 5 is the Modem Control Register DTR during loopback test
- Bit 6 is the Modem Control Register OUT1 during loopback test
- Bit 7 is the Modem Control Register OUT2 during loopback test
$de0f - (r/w) Scratch Pad Register
This 8-bit Read/Write Register does not control the UART in anyway. It is
intended as a scratchpad register to be used by the programmer to hold data
FIFO Interrupt Mode Operation
When the RCVR FIFO and receiver interrupts are enabled (FCR0=1, IER0=1) RCVR
interrupts will occur as follows:
A. The receive data available interrupt will be issued to the CPU when the FIFO
has reached its programmed trigger level; it will be cleared as soon as the
FIFO drops below its programmed trigger level.
B. The IIR receive data available indication also occurs when the FIFO trigger
level is reached, and like the interrupt it is cleared when the FIFO drops
below the trigger level.
C. The receiver line status interrupt (IIR=06), as before, has higher priority
than the received data available (IIR=04) interrupt.
D. The data ready bit (LSR0) is set as soon as a character is transferred from
the shift register to the RCVR FIFO. It is reset when the FIFO is empty.
When RCVR FIFO and receiver interrupts are enabled, RCVR FIFO timeout
interrupts will occur as follows:
A. A FIFO timeout interrupt will occur, if the following conditions exist:
- at least one character is in the FIFO
- the most recent serial character received was longer than 4 continuous
character times ago (if 2 stop bits are programmed the second one is in-
cluded in this time delay).
- the most recent CPU read of the FIFO was longer than 4 continuous
character times ago.
The maximum time between a received character and a timeout interrupt will
be 160 ms at 300 baud with a 12-bit receive character (i.e., 1 Start,
8 Data, 1 Parity and 2 Stop Bits).
B. Character times are calculated by using the RCLK input for a clock signal
(this makes the delay proportional to the baudrate).
C. When a timeout interrupt has occurred it is cleared and the timer reset when
the CPU reads one character from the RCVR FIFO.
D. When a timeout interrupt has not occurred the timeout timer is reset after a
new character is received or after the CPU reads the RCVR FIFO.
When the XMIT FIFO and transmitter interrupts are enabled (FCR0=1, IER1=1),
XMIT interrupts will occur as follows:
A. The transmitter holding register interrupt (02) occurs when the XMIT FIFO is
empty; it is cleared as soon as the transmitter holding register is written
to (1 to 16 characters may be written to the XMIT FIFO while servicing this
interrupt) or the IIR is read.
B. The transmitter FIFO empty indications will be delayed 1 character time
minus the last stop bit time whenever the following occurs: THRE=1 and there
have not been at least two bytes at the same time in the transmit FIFO,
since the last THRE=1. The first transmitter interrupt after changing FCR0
will be immediate, if it is enabled.
Character timeout and RCVR FIFO trigger level interrupts have the same priority
as the current received data available interrupt; XMIT FIFO empty has the same
priority as the current transmitter holding register empty interrupt.
FIFO Polled Mode Operation
With FCR0=1 resetting IER0, IER1, IER2, IER3 or all to zero puts the UART in
the FIFO Polled Mode of operation. Since the RCVR and XMITTER are controlled
separately either one or both can be in the polled mode of operation. In this
mode the user's program will check RCVR and XMITTER status via the LSR.
As stated previously:
- LSR0 will be set as long as there is one byte in the RCVR FIFO.
- LSR1 to LSR4 will specify which error(s) has occurred.
- Character error status is handled the same way as when in the interrupt mode,
the IIR is not affected since IER2=0.
- LSR5 will indicate when the XMIT FIFO is empty.
- LSR6 will indicate that both the XMIT FIFO and shift register are empty.
- LSR7 will indicate whether there are any errors in the RCVR FIFO.
- There is no trigger level reached or timeout condition indicated in the FIFO
Polled Mode, however, the RCVR and XMIT FIFOs are still fully capable of
holding characters.
general programming considerations:
- 16550's is pin and software compatible with the 16450 but has an internal
16-byte FIFO queue that may be enabled/disabled by software
- PCs(XT) are capable of 38.4Kbaud, while AT's are capable of 115.2Kbaud ... a
stock c64 using the SilverSurver should pull ~80Kbaud, the standard c64
kernal implementation will do 2400baud.
- receiver checks only the first stop bit of each character regardless
of the number of stop bits specified
- data loss can occur without overrun or framing errors if the interrupts are
serviced too slowly
- reserved bits are usually set to zero. Code should NOT rely on this being
the case since future enhancement may use these bits
UART info:
register info taken from my favourite ms-dos/pc quickreference "help-pc",
completed and updated from various other sources, register adresses and
other related stuff adapted for the retro-replay hardware
retroreplay info:
taken from the original inside_replay.txt written by Jens Schoenfeld
silversurfer info:
taken from the original inside_surfer.txt written by Jens Schoenfeld, also
adapted to fit.
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