last updated on 27/03/2006
Home > YUV Colorspace

The YUV Color Space

Originally used for PAL (European "standard") analog video, YUV is based on the CIE Y primary, and also chrominance. Chrominance is the difference between a color and a reference white at the same luminance.
Y - Luminance Signal, "Lightness"
U / V - Color Difference Signals
S - Saturation
H - Hue

conversion from/to YUV

Y = 0.299*Red+0.587*Green+0.114*Blue
U = -0.147*Red-0.289*Green+0.436*Blue
V = 0.615*Red-0.515*Green-0.100*Blue
Red = Y+0.000*U+1.140*V
Green = Y-0.396*U-0.581*V
Blue = Y+2.029*U+0.000*V

relation between U-V and H-S

U = S * cos(H)
V = S * sin(H)
H = atan2(V,U)
S = sqrt((U*U)+(V*V))

mixing colors

color-mixing works similar to RGB, just average each component separately:

Y' = (Y1+Y2)/2
U' = (U1+U2)/2
V' = (V1+V2)/2

H' = (H1+H2)/2
S' = (S1+S2)/2

computing color difference

again, similar to RGB, you may compute a color-difference value like this:

Y' = abs(Y1-Y2)
U' = abs(U1-U2)
V' = abs(V1-V2)

YU' = (Y'*Y')+(U'*U')
YV' = (Y'*Y')+(V'*V')
UV' = (U'*U')+(V'*V')

diff = YU' + YV' + UV'
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