We recently noticed that our name is getting abused just because we acquired a reputation over the past years but we do NOT want others to use our name for making money by selling and/or spreading pirated Console and PC games and applications. As already mentioned in the past, we have NOTHING in common with these people, they destroy our reputation by spreading false rumours, fake, crap and above all illegal releases. We appreciate any report about any suspicious release, note, website or whatever... Just to get it straight once and for all, Hitmen is in NO way affiliated with the so called Wares-Scene. We do neither remove copyprotections, nor do we know how to remove them at all! Furthermore we do not know where to get that kind of PIRATED software. If you need a certain commercial game/application, BUY it! This site is about HOMEBREW DEVELOPMENT and is dedicated to certain individuals known as the DEMO scene. We are a team of friends working together for fun, not CRIMINALS, got it? So stop bothering us with stupid requests for wares! Thanks in advance for your help.