last updated on 02/05/2011
Home > Gamecube > Releases


Date Name What is it?
11.04.2004 Kinderkram AVI (pouet) (youtube) First Gamecube Release in a Demo Competition, 5th at Breakpoint Console Competition


Date Name What is it?
17.02.2005 makevgc 1.0 (win, x86linux, source) create/encrypt IPL images for flashing on the Viper Modchip
17.02.2005 vflash 0.2 (win, x86linux, source) Flashutil for the Viper Modchip
31.07.2005 IDA MN102 Module (source) MN102 Disassembler Module for IDA, requires IDA SDK
31.01.2007 IDA MN102 Module (win32) MN102 Disassembler Module for IDA, precompiled for 4.8
31.01.2007 IDA MN102 Module (win32) MN102 Disassembler Module for IDA, precompiled for 4.9
08.01.2007 SDA-Base Fixer (idc source) Script for IDA that fixes indirect references over r13/rtoc
PSOSocks (win, source) The original PSO Uploader/Hacking Tool written by Xor37h and Duke/Napalm


Date Name What is it?
Pad Test Example to detect and use the Controllers and/or Keyboard
31.07.2005 PSO Server Simple Example on how to communicate with PSO.
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